Innocent - the people behind those delicious smoothies - are once again running the
Big Knit! This year they are raising money for Age UK.

How does it work? Well, you (and anyone else you can rope in!) knit little hats for their smoothies, send them to Innocent towers and for each behatted smoothie sold (in Boots or Sainsbury's) this winter, they will donate 50p to
Age UK, a charity dedicated to helping improve the lives of older people in the UK.
The deadline for all hats this year is Friday 15th October, so there's still time to get involved - get knitting, use up some stash scraps, have fun *and* raise money for a good cause, all at the same time! Bonus!
If you don't know how to knit, or aren't yet very confident of your knitterly skills, don't fret - they have
downloadable 'How to Knit' guides and even feature the '
Hat Pattern of the Week' on their blog if you're in need of a little inspiration.
P.S. They are also looking for student knitting ambassadors to encourage folks to get busy with string and sticks - find out more information right