For one hour, from 8.30pm (local time), participants were encouraged to switch their lights off to show their support and to 'vote earth.' (the idea being that leaving them on would be a vote for global warming)
Being passionate about looking after our planet and its finite resources, I did exactly that. I lit a few candles as by this time it was already pretty dark! One of the most wonderful things was that as a result of turning off the electric lighting, I was able to see the stars from my bedroom window. The longer I looked, the more I could was pretty magical :)
I also wondered about how many others in different locations were out there stargazing or chilling by candle light. As it was just me where I was, at home in Edinburgh, I decided to have a little toast (rum & coke if you must know!). It actually became a bit of 'me' time, and I wrote a letter to a good friend of mine. I'd have to say, it's definitely the first time I've ever written by candle light!
Did you join in? If so, what did you do for earth hour?
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